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A GPG certificate allows us to encrypt email messages, encrypt files, and authenticate code in git repositories, as well as being able to use it with Pass to have a local password manager.

Create keys GPG

gpg --full-generate-key

View GPG keys

gpg --list-key

List keys GPG install

Short format

gpg --keyid-format short --list-keys

Long format

gpg --keyid-format long --list-keys

Other options

gpg --list-secret-keys gpg  <your_email>

gpg --fingerprint <your_email>/<ID>

Delete GPG keys

Delete public gpg

gpg --delete-key <your_email>

Delete private gpg

gpg --delete-secret-key <your_email>

Export GPG Keys

Export public key

gpg --export -a <your_email>/<ID>


Store the private key in a safe place and with a strong password

Export private key

gpg --export-secret-key -a <your_email>/<ID>

Export Revoke key

gpg --gen-revoke <your_email>/<ID>

Import GPG keys

Import public and private key

gpg --import <name_file_gpg.key>

Renew subkeys

gpg --edit-key <your_email>/<ID>

gpg>key [ID-subkeys] 

gpg> expire 
